Wednesday, August 5, 2009


And it just gets better this morning. I found out that it only costs $25 to register a car to race!!!

This is awesome. I also just found Jango...this is the best internet radio that I have ever heard. I am listening to Ned's Atomic Dustbin because they came up within a conversation last night. This thing rocks.

Now I know that some may think that I will not race a car ever, I want to say that you are wrong...dead wrong.

And it just gets better. They pay the winners of this thing...

1st - $350
2nd - $250
3rd - $200
4th - $150
5th - $100
6th - $50
7th - $50
8th - $50
9th - $50
10th - $50
Beyond 10th will also be $50 payout per car for all cars starting the race. There must be a 13 Car Minimum Starting Field for Full Payout. Less than 13 cars starting the race and the purse will be 50% payout per position. No entry fee.

Oh my goodness. I am off to climb a few roofs with high pitches today. I am living the life of a crazy daredevil guy. But not a gay Ben Affleck daredevil kind of guy.

Here are a couple of pics of what the cars look like.






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