Monday, September 21, 2009

Jeez i have been lazy

I haven't had time to update this in awhile. I started school, the last semester of my life. UH football is a top 20 school for the first time in 18 years and as a fan I do not know how to take it.

I got an office for my work so we have a physical address. I hired 4 new sales people. I am getting roofs done in conroe, jersey village and an occasional Ike claim. I am also installing radiant barier now.

The Cardinals have a magic number of 3. I twitter more. I am a level 300 in mafia wars. I am almost done with school. I submitted a formal graduation application. It was long as i pass the last 3 classes.

I got a race car. It is a 97 chrysler sebring. i also got a trailer. next is a firesuit, helmet and everything else. I may be racing on the 3rd.

My liver is better, but it is not great. I abused it for years. Kennedy got her progress report and she gets real grades now, not just S and E. Her lowest grade was a 94. She is awesome.

Things are good right now.


  1. Not just S and E. That's great. Sophia gets "Mastered" "Progressing" and "Not Introduced" (she's in a mixed-age classroom with one report card form for 1st through 5th grade...).

    Is she in 2nd?

    I cannot believe you are going to race a car.

  2. 2nd grade and she thinks race cars are awesome.
